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Robyn Stacey

TK Board

As a trained teacher I began my working life as one of the four founding teachers at the first Independent Aboriginal Community School in Australia at Strelley.

I have worked in a range of Australian Government Departments across the whole Kimberley over the last 37 years and always involved in Indigenous affairs.

These departments included education, employment and training, ATSIC and now the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

I have a specific interest in community development and co-design of activities with communities to address the priorities they identify.

As a mother of a circus performer I have had a very active interest in circus, theatre and Theatre Kimberley for over 16 years.

Theatre Kimberley is an Incorporated Association and a registered charity with the ACNC with DGR status.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible. 

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